2019 Heifer Contest – Win a Jersey heifer!


We’re doing it again! A contest!

What do you win?

In honor of June Dairy Month, and because we have been BLESSED with an abundance of heifer calves, we would like to celebrate farming and dairy farmers by offering up a registered Jersey heifer calf, Spirited Rose Virtuoso Ria, to the winner of the contest.

Little Miss Ria, born 6-2-2019 to SPIRITED ROSE SAMSON’S ROSITA

All you have to do is complete the following tasks:


1. Fill out and email us a heifer Application Form (Click here for form)

2. Submit your contest entry:

This year’s contest is all about celebrating the farming lifestyle. In this modern era of low pricing for farm products, high cost of production and high cost of living, along with attacks from those that do not understand or care to learn about the “why’s” of farming, farmers of all types are struggling and feeling under-appreciated.

Your entry can be anything that illustrates something positive about farming. The entry can be funny, serious, sad, heartwarming, etc. All we ask is that the entry be something to highlight the benefits of farming. Why should farmers be appreciated? Why is farming vital to society?

The sky is the limit! Here are some ideas for your entry:

  • An essay or short story
  • A farm design or quote on wood using modern calligraphy
  • A metal fabricated art piece or sign
  • A video, photograph, website, or PowerPoint presentation
  • Your own recipe using dairy or farm-grown products
  • A project to educate the public about farming
  • A plan or concept for creating a more sustainable farm and/or ideas to improve the national farming picture
  • Or, your own unique idea. 🙂

3. Extra credit, for those that are so excited they want to do a little bit more: Post a decent, relevant comment somewhere on our website.


Email your entry to us. For physical entries, take a photo of the entry to submit. You may submit one photo of you with your entry and a second photo of just the entry to be displayed on our website.

Your entry will be posted on our website for the public to see. We feel that it is important to ask if those entering the contest are willing to have their stories posted to the public.  (Please note your preference in your email.)

EMAIL your application and entry to:

We can also be contacted through our web contact page.

We will respond to each entry by replying to your email! If you send in your entry and do not hear back from us within a few days, please send a simple email asking if we received your entry. Some large photos or videos may not come through on first try.

1 Thessalonians 4:11-12


When does the contest START? Today!

When does the contest END? August 10, 2019

Who is eligible?  All ages, U.S. or Canadian resident. Any size farm.

How and when does the winner get their calf? Winner of the contest must pick up or arrange for hauling of the calf, at their expense, within 30 days of being notified they won. If weather or a timing is an issue, we are flexible! We are located in NE WASHINGTON STATE and would be willing to meet or deliver to you for the cost of fuel within a few hour’s drive of us. 

People are always curious about this aspect – no, we do not give preference to local participants. In our first contest, the winner lived 16 hours away. In our second contest, the winner lived 3 hours away. Where there’s a will, there’s a way!

Contest rules: We reserve the right to change any rules about the contest or to cancel the contest completely, if necessary. 

Honesty Policy: We are working on an honor system and we ask you to keep that in mind while you are working on your entry. We are looking for wholly original entries done by the person entering the contest. Thank you!

7 thoughts on “2019 Heifer Contest – Win a Jersey heifer!

  1. Carmela Zenner

    I think this is a great opportunity and I thank you for giving it! I hope to enter this year but if not I hope you are able to do this again in the future!


  2. Kelsey

    I have submitted my entry and application! Yeah!
    How will we know the outcome of the contest? I know it ends on the 10th of August. Will we be notified on the website or by email?
    Thank you for giving us all an opportunity for a beautiful heifer! she will enrich someone’s life!


  3. Pingback: Only 1 month left to enter… – Spirited Rose Homestead Dairy Farm

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